

Dress Code

Please be advised that all FIPS students are required to wear the school uniform daily. NO EXCEPTIONS OR EXCUSES!

Young Men

Shirts: white and gray stripped  shirt with school logo
Pants: dark gray pants
Belt: a belt must be worn at all times
Shoes:  black shoes, must be close toedSocks:white only, gray tie with logo, Blazer


PT Uniform: House Color sweat shirt, Blue track suit

Young Ladies

Shirts: white and gray stripped shirt with school logo
Skirts: gray pinafore with school logo
Shoes:  black shoes, must be close toedSocks: white only, gray tie with logo, Blazer

PT Uniform: House Color sweat shirt, Blue track suit


Boys:White Shirt, Cardigan, Sports Uniform

Girls:Gray Pinafore, Cardigan, Sports Uniform

All Uniforms should be Purchased from the school store