


Online safety refers to the act of staying safe online.

It is also commonly known as internet safety, e-safety and cyber safety. It encompasses all technological devices which have access to the internet from PCs and laptops to smartphones and tablets. Being safe online means individuals are protecting themselves and others from online harms and risks which may jeopardise their personal information, lead to unsafe communications or even effect their mental health and wellbeing.

Importance of E-Safety

Children today are firmly part of the digital age and as such, they often use a wide range of devices, both inside and outside, of school. When used correctly, technology can be a fantastic learning and social tool, but children need to have a clear understanding of the e-safety rules and expectations. This will help them to stay safe online and not fall foul of the myriad of risks and threats which can occur to the unsuspecting individual. As a school, it is our duty of care alongside that of staff/parents/carers and other members of the community to protect our children and young people from these dangers and this can be achieved by many different mechanisms working together. The purpose of e-safety is to outline what measures we take to ensure that pupils can work in an e-safe environment and that any e-safety issue is detected and dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner.

FIPS Social Media Policy

FIPS recognises the rights of students, staff and parents who want to participate with online social networking. Our guidelines are designed to create an atmosphere of good will, honesty, and individual accountability. Students and staff should always keep in mind that information produced, shared and retrieved by them is a reflection on the school community and is subject to the School’s policies. When accessing, creating or contributing to any form of social media for classroom or, in most cases, for personal use, we expect you to keep these guidelines.

Protecting Children’s digital wellbeing

Bullying occurred long before the introduction of social media, but the very nature of cyber bullying means that taunts cannot be left behind in the playground. Hurtful messages can be received at any time of day via social media, meaning online bullying can potentially have a more serious effect on children’s mental health. It is therefore vital that who can act as mentors to younger pupils to be able to educate children about e-safety both in the classroom and at home, know how to deal with cyber bullying and can spot the signs of online predators.

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For all Online Safety concerns, you can:

Call –  0647406688

General email – [email protected]

Privately – [email protected] for anonymous reporting.