
General Information

Parent’s Role

  1. Parents are encouraged to be involved in all areas of their child’s education. Three conferences are held each year.  This year they will be held after the term exams .Flexibility in timing for Parent Teacher Conferences can be arranged.  Telephone conferences can be held, but they are by no means a substitute for a face-to-face meeting.
  2.  Parents need to be actively involved in their child’s homework.   Please check to see that it is brought home, is completed and as accurate as possible. If your child needs help, try to spend the time to help him/her. If you are unable to help your child, perhaps another member of your family can do so.   Homework is a continuation of school work.   If there are any questions about your child’s homework, feel free to write a note to his/her teacher.
  3.  Parents need to keep the communication between the school and home open.  Please be sure to inform the school of any changes in the home that may affect your child’s performance at school.
  4.  Parents can encourage appropriate behavior at home and in school. If your child is continually acting inappropriately in school, you can work with a team of professionals to develop a behavior management plan that will be consistent between the home and school.
  5.  Parents are urged to become active members of the PTA.  All parents and/or guardians are automatic members of the PTA.

Remember, education should never be limited to just school hours. The valuable time spent time at home working with your child will help them meet his/her potential. Your child’s progress will depend upon the quality of the partnership between the home and school.

Student Forms

It is essential that each year parents complete the following documents:

  • Early pickup slips
  • Signed consent to photograph and videotape students for educational purposes
  • Medical forms with a listing of all immunization
  • Discipline code letter
  • Emergency cards

Emergency Cards

Emergency contact information must be kept up to date. In the event of a medical or national emergency or school closing, we must be able to reach you or a family member. Please be sure to notify the school of any changes in address, phone number or emergency contact.

Birthday Treats:

Children’s birthdays can be celebrated at school with a simple party. Parents can contact the classroom teacher a few days before their child’s birthday to arrange for the celebration.  Please note that no adults will be permitted into the classroom.  The party will be no longer than 20 minutes due to the break of instruction.


Homework has always been recognized by the school community as an important medium to foster the academic achievement of students and extend school activities into the home and community. Homework assignments are given on a daily basis.

  1. Value of homework:
  • Increase time spent on academic tasks, thus enhancing the academic
    growth of students.
  • Enable parents and other family members to become familiar with the education program and to be aware of homework assignments.
  • Meet the needs of individual students through use of varied assignments.
  • Help to prepare students for class participation and to reorganize material studied, so that new insights are developed.
  • Reinforce concepts taught in areas of academic need.
  1. Objectives of Homework
  • Reinforce, extend and enrich skills and knowledge learned in school
  • Stimulate and further individual interest, thus forming a basis for
    productive use of leisure time
  • Develop independent study skills to foster initiative, responsibility and self-direction
  1. Characteristics of Effective Homework Assignments
  • Be an outgrowth of classroom instruction
  • Be clear and definite
  • Be graded in line with a system that is understood by the class

Promotional Criteria:

There are several criteria areas used to determine whether a student will be promoted to the next grade:

  • A student’s attendance record.
  • A student must perform at or above grade level in school and external standardized assessment.
  • A student must pass the core curriculum subjects appropriate to his/her level.

 Report Cards:

Students receive report cards three (3) times a year. The cards/reports are part of your child’s permanent record.

You are urged to make comments in the space provided on the cards/reports. If you desire further explanation, call the school to arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher(s). Please use this as an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress.

In addition to these reports, your child’s teacher may contact or write to you in order to maintain a closer alliance between the home and school.

Academic Intervention Services (AIS):Remediation

Your child may be receiving AIS Remedial services throughout the school year. AIS are provided to children who have received a score of below 60% in assessment.  They are based on teacher recommendations. You will receive notification if your child will be benefiting from these services.


Regular school attendance is extremely important and will be closely monitored. However, if your child is ill, he/she should remain at home until well. If the child comes to the school ill, the school nurse will contact you. In some instances, you may be required to come to the school to pick up your child.

Information pertaining to school absence should be provided to the school in the form of a note after each absence, including a doctor’s note if appropriate. You may also call the school when you know your child will be absent. You will be required to notify the school of the date your child is expected to return to school.

 General Health

Before your child leaves for school each morning, check to see that your child is feeling well. What might only appear to be a little “sniffle” may be the sign of some infectious disease?  Keep your child home from school if you notice the following: flushed face, running nose, sneezing, coughing, red throat, pink eyes, skin rash, sores or blisters on the skin. By keeping him/her home, you are not only helping him/her to recuperate faster, but you are preventing the illness from spreading to other members of the class. Let the teacher know as soon as possible that your child is ill. When your child returns to school, provide a note for the teacher explaining the absence.

Every child should have a check-up annually. Also, every child should have his/her teeth examined by a dentist once a year. After each of these visits, please send in the doctor or dentist’s note.

Good hearing and good vision are both essential to a child’s comfort and progress in school. The child who cannot see well or hear well becomes restless and bored and will fall behind in the schoolwork. In general, he/she will feel insecure. Tests for vision and hearing are administered at the school once each year. You will be notified if there is an indication that your child requires further testing. In the meantime, you can help by making sure that there is good lighting at home and by checking with your physician during annual check-ups.


The UAE Department of Education and the Board of Health require that documentation be secured proving that all students who come to school are fully immunized. We are required to exclude students if they are not immunized and do not have documentation from an  authentic physician indicating that they have received all required immunization.

Health Restrictions

Chicken PoxSix (6) days after appearance of the rash
Rubella (German measles)Until rash has disappeared
MeaslesFive (5) days after appearance of the rash
MumpsUntil all the swelling of the glands disappear
Whooping CoughFourteen (14) days after cough begins
HepatitisUntil temperature is normal for (24 hrs.)


Streptococcal (Sore Throat)

Until temperature is normal for (24 hrs.)
Including ScarletUntil temperature is normal for (24 hrs.)
FeverUntil temperature is normal for (24 hrs.)

Immunization Requirements appear in the appendix at the end of this handbook.

Picking Up Your Child From School:

Sometimes it is necessary for a family member to pick up a child at school before dismissal. Please try to let your child’s teacher know in advance if you are planning to pick him/her up early. All parents must sign in at the security desk and present a form of identification.  They will report to the general office to sign their child out of school. No child will be released without a parent signature.If someone other than a parent will be picking a child up, please make sure that their name is listed on the blue card; otherwise we will not release the child.

 School Rules:

  • Practice safety
  • Respect the rights of self and others
  • Cooperate with all school/bus personnel and peers
  • Avoid problems by asking staff for help

Bus Safety Rules:

Students must:

  • Get on the bus quietly
  • Fasten seat belt immediately if there is.
  • Remain in seat until the conductor gives permission to leave the seat
  • Keep arms and legs out of the aisle
  • Get permission from bus personnel before opening a window
  • Follow directions of bus personnel
  • Act in an appropriate, responsible manner so that everyone can have a safe bus trip

Students must NOT:

  • Talk to the driver while he is driving
  • Leave your seat until told to do so by bus personnel
  • Fight, throw objects in or out of the bus, annoy others, smoke, light
    matches, scream, yell, curse, damage the bus, open the door, tamper with switches and AC buttons or do anything that is considered dangerous